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Payment Collection Sign-Up

Start Profile
As owner and/or officer you will be asked to complete a short profile of your business and yourself
Validate Your EMail Address
Once completed, you will be required to validate your EMail Address and accept the terms and conditions
Receive Approval Credentials
After your application is submitted to our authorizing partner you may receive an immediate acceptance or you may be asked for additional information to validate your business. Check your email in another 24 to 48 hours for your registration credentials to be issued
Set Up Your Account
Upon approval, you will be given a Merchant ID, initial password, and link to our Account Registration site. There you will be able to enter your preferred business ID and change your password
Sign In To
Once you have your new ID and password, go to and click on “Merchant Login” at the top right corner of the home page
Start Saving!
Once you sign into, you will have your own personal site and able to start entering customers and sending invoices right away

… and you will wonder why you didn’t do this sooner!


Application Completeness
All Merchant Applications must be fully completed, signed and guaranteed by all shardholders with greater than 25% ownership, or individuals authorized to enter into a binding contract on behalf of the Corporation, LLC, 501(c)3 Non-Profit, LLP (Partnership), or Sole Proprietorship. In the event the information above is un-verifiable we may request a copy of the most recent meeting minutes, listing officers or verbiage enabling signer to bind entity or the complete Articles of Organization.
Business Account Verification
Voided check or bank confirmation letter will be required prior to approval
Business Credit Worthiness
Minimum credit score of 600
Additional Documentation
Dependng on risk factors some or all of the the following documents will be required:
  • Sole proprietorship DBA or Business License
  • Most current 2 months complete bank statements
  • Previous 2 years audited financials, if financials are unaudited 2 years tax returns will need to accompany the financials (P&L and corresponding Balance Sheet)
  • 501c(3) or other Government document confirming Non-Profit Organization
  • Meeting Minutes or other document confirming signing authority